Morrisville Canvass – Precinct 05-08
Church Street Park 5817 Cricket Pitch Way, MorrisvilleOur Morrisville canvass series continues in June when we work as a team to help Precinct 05-08 achieve its GOTO goal!
Our Morrisville canvass series continues in June when we work as a team to help Precinct 05-08 achieve its GOTO goal!
📢 Attention all passionate Democrats! 📢 Join Wake Dems for a ‘Get Out The Organization’ canvass launch! WCDP will be touring Wake County to host canvasses to grow our ranks […]
Get out the organization canvass in 07-06 Precinct.
Apex Dems has adopted the 1.56-mile stretch of South Salem Street between Salem Creek Drive and 540. We hope you can join us for a fun afternoon of community service!
Recent polls agree: the overwhelming majority of Americans love ice cream. Join Centennial Area Democrats as we celebrate e pluribus unum and our freedom to choose from so many great […]
Meet with Wake Regional Vice Chair Ambrosia Sharkey. Mondays 1-2pm Video call link: Or dial: (US) +1 860-398-9185 PIN: 336 474 332#
Monthly meeting for Precinct 04-12 business.
Third Vice Chair Office Hours
Join us weekly for a quick organizing event to rebuild membership after COVID.
Welcome to our monthly democratic business meeting! Here, precinct officers and volunteers gather to discuss vital plans and initiatives aimed at mobilizing and engaging precinct voters. Our goal is to strategize and plan volunteer opportunities, precinct building activities, and get-out-the-vote campaigns.