Precinct 04-12 meeting (virtual)


Bi-monthly business meeting for precinct 04-12. Email for the meeting link.

Precinct 19-09 Organizing Meeting


Meeting to organize Precinct 19-09. Contact organizer at to receive the virtual link.

Precinct 15-03 May Meeting

Please join constituents of 15-03 to review the effect of redistricting on our precinct, the candidates on our November 2024 ballot, the current number of voters in our precinct, the WCDP outreach strategy and how we can recruit precinct volunteers and Get Out the Vote (GOTV).

Precinct 01-39 Coffee Social

Biggby Coffee 5424 Six Forks Rd, Raleigh

Drop by, grab a coffee, and chat with like minded neighbors.

Event Series WCDP Canvass!

WCDP Canvass!

📢 Attention all passionate Democrats! 📢 Join Wake Dems for a ‘Get Out The Organization’ canvass launch! WCDP will be touring Wake County to host canvasses to grow our ranks […]

Precinct 10-05 @ Turf 08 – Encore

809 Flower Manor Drive 809 Flower Manor Drive, Wendell

Help say HELLO to our newest Turf and subdivision, Encore +55 at Wendell Falls.  A small, compact, walk-able turf that we should be able to canvass very quickly.