16-07 Garner Dems Monthly Meeting
Virtual (Zoom or Google Meet) NC, United StatesJoin us to discuss our upcoming outreach plans!
Join us to discuss our upcoming outreach plans!
Join us for an hour or two of gently-paced doorknocking, and make a huge difference in the upcoming election!
Meet with Wake Regional Vice Chair Ambrosia Sharkey. Mondays 5-5:30pm Video call link: https://meet.google.com/vgs-avuc-nzk Or dial: +1 401-472-4792 PIN: 468881222
Join us for an hour or two of gently-paced doorknocking, and make a huge difference in the upcoming election!
Join us for a Virtual Phone Bank!
Would you like to learn the basics -- or have a refresher – on how to do Door Knock Canvassing with MiniVan? Join us for a virtual training session
October Early Voting and November 5th Prep Call
Join us for an hour or two of gently-paced doorknocking, and make a huge difference in the upcoming election!
Join us for an hour or two of gently-paced doorknocking, and make a huge difference in the upcoming election!
Join us for poll greeting training!