04-13 Precinct Meeting
Location will be provided to registered attendees NC04-13 Precinct Meeting
04-13 Precinct Meeting
Join us to discuss our upcoming outreach plans!
Join us for an hour or two of gently-paced doorknocking, and make a huge difference in the upcoming election!
Meet with Wake Regional Vice Chair Ambrosia Sharkey. Mondays 5-5:30pm Video call link: https://meet.google.com/vgs-avuc-nzk Or dial: +1 401-472-4792 PIN: 468881222
Monthly meeting for Precinct 01-02.
Join us for a Virtual Phone Bank!
Join the Wake Dems Volunteer Engagement Team for Volunteer Orientation. This session is designed to get newer volunteers acclimated to the Wake County Democratic Party's goals, structure, and volunteer opportunities.
Come join your fellow Holly Springs Dems for a monthly social event.
Join us for an hour or two primarily apartment complex doorknocking, and make a huge difference in the upcoming election!
Join us for poll greeting training!