Apex Year End Social

Apex Democrats will hold an end of the year social for anyone that would like to gather in person. This will be an informal way to gather with like minded friends as we wind down the year.

Garner Area Dems Meeting

Strategy meeting for Garner precinct officers. Open to all registered Democrats living in Wake County. For more information, please contact Donna Friend at southwakevc@wakedems.org.

Holly Springs Precinct Officers’ Meeting

Virtual (Zoom or Google Meet) NC, United States

Meeting for precinct officers in the Holly Springs Area. Officers, please see your email for the meeting link. If you are a registered Democrat interested in attending this meeting, please […]

04-01 Welcome New Voters

Precinct 04-01 in Central Cary is hosting on Open House for new Democrat voters that registered during 2024.

Pack the NCGA Gallery

North Carolina General Assembly 16 W Jones Street, Raleigh, United States

Pack the Gallery: Show Your Presence at the NCGA

Downtown North (Raleigh) Area Social

Location will be provided to registered attendees NC

Join Democrats of Downtown North (Raleigh)* to connect with like-minded neighbors for meaningful conversation and connection. Share your ideas, support one another and our community, hear from elected officials able […]

Central Cary Info Session/Social/Dorcas Service Event

Location will be provided to registered attendees NC

Registered Democrats in Central Cary are welcomed to this social in a local Cary coffee shop---enjoy our hosted breakfast sweets. Learn about what our Wake County Democratic Party does.

Midtown and Umstead Raleigh Volunteer Friends Event

Location will be provided to registered attendees NC

Precinct volunteers from Umstead Raleigh’s 11-01 and 11-02 are inviting you to get involved and learn more about how to support and elect Democratic officials who share our values!