18-05 Precinct Meeting
TBD18-05 Precinct Meeting organizing for Get Out The Vote.
18-05 Precinct Meeting organizing for Get Out The Vote.
An interactive training for all volunteers on how to use important technology tools for your WCDP work. Sessions will cover topics such as: Precinct and area emails Organizing your Wake Dems Google Drive files Google Groups and Spaces Sign Up Genius (for poll greeting) How to use MiniVAN (for canvassing) and Virtual Phone Banks No […]
An interactive training for Area Coordinators on how to use important technology tools for your WCDP work. Sessions will cover topics such as: Precinct and area emails Organizing your Wake Dems Google Drive files Google Groups and Spaces No sign-up required, just drop in! Video call link: https://meet.google.com/xgq-tkio-ebi Or dial: (US) +1 513-818-1379 PIN: 477 […]
Join Precinct 01-14 and Downtown North volunteers for this area Social and GOTO Training session!
An interactive training for all volunteers on how to use important technology tools for your WCDP work. Sessions will cover topics such as: Precinct and area emails Organizing your Wake Dems Google Drive files Google Groups and Spaces Sign Up Genius (for poll greeting) How to use MiniVAN (for canvassing) and Virtual Phone Banks The […]
An interactive training for all volunteers on how to use important technology tools for your WCDP work. Sessions will cover topics such as: Precinct and area emails Organizing your Wake Dems Google Drive files Google Groups and Spaces Sign Up Genius (for poll greeting) How to use MiniVAN (for canvassing) and Virtual Phone Banks No […]
We will walk you through canvassing with the MiniVAN phone app.
An interactive training for Area Coordinators on how to use important technology tools for your WCDP work. Sessions will cover topics such as: Precinct and area emails Organizing your Wake Dems Google Drive files Google Groups and Spaces No sign-up required, just drop in! Video call link: https://meet.google.com/xgq-tkio-ebi Or dial: (US) +1 513-818-1379 PIN: 477 […]
We will walk you through canvassing with the MiniVAN phone app.
Join the Wake Dems Volunteer Engagement Team for Volunteer Orientation! These sessions are designed to give new volunteers an overview of the Wake County Democratic Party’s goals, structure, and volunteer opportunities. If you've already submitted our Volunteer Form but want to learn more about the organization, this is for you! You'll receive a Zoom link […]