Holly Springs Democracy on Tap
Local Time Brewing 300 Main Street - Unit 204, Holly SpringsCome join your fellow Holly Springs Dems for a monthly social event.
Come join your fellow Holly Springs Dems for a monthly social event.
Join Apex Dems for coffee on the first Saturday every month to find out what’s happening in the district, talk about issues, meet candidates, and more.
Monthly coffee social for Precinct 01-39.
Find information about registration, voting, and poll greeting at Election Central.
Come join your fellow Holly Springs Dems for a monthly social event.
With the Election in the rear view mirror, it's time to celebrate our successes and congratulate ourselves on all our hard work this year!
Join us for an informal gathering and bring other local Democrats and left-leaning friends!
Joint precinct meetings for 20-14, 20-15, 20-16, and 20-17. Please come out to meet your Democratic neighbors and find out what we're doing to help turn North Carolina Blue!
Join Apex Dems for coffee on the first Saturday every month to find out what’s happening in the district, talk about issues, meet candidates, and more.
Come join your fellow Holly Springs Dems for a monthly social event.