Holly Springs Precinct 06-11 Canvass
Private Address 7600 Astoria Pl, Raleigh, United StatesJoin fellow Democrats to canvass registered Democrats and left-leaning Unaffiliated voters in one of our unorganized precincts, Precinct 06-11.
Join fellow Democrats to canvass registered Democrats and left-leaning Unaffiliated voters in one of our unorganized precincts, Precinct 06-11.
Come help us start the process of connecting with our neighbors and fellow Democrats and Democrat Leaning Unaffiliated (D+DLU) voters.
Join fellow Wake County Democrats for a “Get Out the Organization” (GOTO) canvass launch!
Join fellow Wake County Democrats for a “Get Out the Organization” (GOTO) canvass launch!
Join fellow Wake County Democrats for a “Get Out the Organization” (GOTO) canvass launch!
Join fellow Wake County Democrats for a “Get Out the Organization” (GOTO) canvass launch!
Canvass for Precinct 10-05 @ Turf 17 in the Kings Grant and Stonewater subdivisions.
Join us to canvas one of our turfs. We'll go out after the heat of the day in pairs and tackle a few households.
We are heading out to invite Democrats and left-leaning unaffiliated voters to get involved and would love your help!
Our Morrisville canvass series continues in July when we work as a team to help Precinct 05-03 achieve its GOTO goal!