Precinct 10-05 @ Turf 17
June 29th @ 10:00 am – 11:30 pm
This turf is mostly the Kings Grant and Stonewater subdivisions. This is an area that is tree lined so it should be somewhat sheltered from the heat. There is also a bit opposite Stonewater, on the other side of Mial Plantation Rd.
Any of you that live in Kings Grant / Stonewater that can help us canvass this Saturday, it would be greatly appreciated!
We will meet at the intersection of Stoneyoak Lane and Virginia Dare Place. Use 4924 Stoneyoak Lane on your GPS for directions.
We will be using MiniVan to track our progress in real time. MiniVan will need to be downloaded on your phones. If you are not familiar with MiniVan, try using the following two resources to learn the ropes.
Use this tutorial video to review in advance.
This link will also help.
NOTE: We will NOT be canvassing Sat., July 6th, the holiday weekend. ENJOY!!!