PAM 2024

Make-up Precinct Annual Meetings – March 02, 2024


Make-up Precinct Annual Meetings Schedule & RSVP Form

Precinct meetings were held on February 17th. If your precinct had a successful meeting, precinct officers should have received an email for confirmation of receipt of your meeting report form.

If your precinct attempted to meet but did not make quorum, you are eligible for a make-up meeting on March 2nd. All precincts requesting a make-up are listed on the schedule, which is published a mininum of 7 days in advance per our byalws.

What are the Precinct Annual Meetings?

Precincts are the foundation of the Democratic Party! Each precinct in North Carolina must meet at least once per year. This is known as the precinct annual meeting (PAM). During PAM, attendees elect delegates to our county convention where district convention delegates and State Executive Committee representatives are elected. Precinct meeting attendees can also present resolutions and vote on resolutions other precincts pass. These resolutions eventually can become part of the DNC platform. But it all starts with organizing and building community in your precinct!

What happens at the meetings?

At this year’s PAM, each precinct will:

  • Elect Executive Officers for any vacant positions
  • Elect Delegates to the county convention on March 15 & 16
  • Consider platform resolutions
  • Donate to the 2024 sustaining fund

Who can attend?

Only registered Democrats who live in the precinct are eligible to attend. If you are unsure of your precinct number or your affiliation, follow the steps below to access the State Board of Elections Voter Lookup:

  • Click on this link
  • Enter your name and click Search
  • Select your name

To update your registration:

  • Print and sign this completed form. Electronic or typed signatures are not acceptable.
  • Scan or photograph the form. The scan or photo must be legible.
  • E-mail the form to

When are the meetings?

This year’s precinct annual meeting window was one day: February 17.

This year’s make-up precinct annual meeting is also on one day: March 02.

Each of Wake County’s 212 precincts should have held a meeting on this 02/17 in order to stay organized and/or have a voice at the county, district, and state levels. Any that met on 02/17 but weren’t successful are entitled to a make-up meeting.

Click HERE to view the 03/02 Make-up PAM Schedule.

Are this year’s meetings in-person or online?

All precincts will have a virtual option for people who want to attend digitally. Some precincts are meeting only virtually while others have an option for in-person attendance. Refer to the PAM Schedule to find out this information for your precinct.

Why do precincts have to meet during this timeframe?

The Plan of Organization is the guiding document for the North Carolina Democratic Party. Section 1 of the Plan of Organization addresses precinct organizing. Section 1.05 grants the authority to the state party chair to select the window for precinct organizing. The time is set across the state so that all 2,655 precincts across North Carolina can meet at the same time to elect delegates to all 100 County Conventions.

What training is available?

We're excited to keep you up to date on what the Wake County Democrats are doing! Click below to sign up for our bi-weekly updates.

Upcoming Events

Lakes Area Social – 2nd Tuesday of every odd number months

January 14 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Join Lakes Area Democrats for conversation and camaraderie!

Precinct 05-05 Monthly Meeting

January 18 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Monthly meeting for Precinct 05-05