Garner Dems
Representing Precincts 15-02, 15-04, 16-01, 16-02, 16-03, 16-04, 16-05, 16-06, 16-07, 16-09, and 18-04
Get Involved! Attend our Monthly Meeting
The Garner Dems monthly meeting involves sharing updates from the county level and planning events across the area. Any registered Democrat or Democratic-leaning Unaffiliated voter is welcome to attend, including precinct officers and any current or new volunteers.
Our meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday at 6pm via Google Meet. See the full meeting schedule at this link.
If you have any questions or ideas, contact Garner Area Coordinator Christy Byrd at
Upcoming Garner Area Events
Garner Precinct Officers’ Meeting
Precinct 16-04 Monthly Business Meeting
Find Other Volunteer Opportunities
There are lots of ways to volunteer and help elect Democrats! Complete the form at this link and our Volunteer Engagement Team will help get you connected.
Donate to Wake Dems
Your contributions will help Wake Dems fight to elect Democrats from the back of the ballot to the front. There is so much at stake with our healthcare, voting rights, schools, environment, and economy — we can’t afford complacency in 2024.
We don’t believe there’s a single election in Wake County that we can’t win when we have the resources we need to operate at our best. With your support, we can ensure that we elect responsible leaders at every level of government.
Donate at this link.
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