Add New Event

Event Categories

Click in the box and wait for the drop-down box to appear to select a category.

Venue Details

If your event is expecting more than 20 attendees or has a candidate, please follow the new guidelines on posting the event location and vetting attendees.

Click in the box and begin typing the name of the venue. If it shows up in the drop-down box, select it. Otherwise, finish typing the name and press Enter. You will then have the option to enter the address, phone number, and website of the venue.

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Organizer Details

The organizer's phone number or email address is REQUIRED. If you would like an RSVP form, you must provide an email address.

Click and begin typing the organizer’s name. If it shows up in the drop-down box, select it. Otherwise, finish typing the name and press Enter. You will then have the option to enter their contact details.

If you are a precinct officer or area coordinator, we recommend using your precinct or area email address rather than your personal address.

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Terms of Submission