WCDP Election Central
Voter Registration
It is important to ensure that you are properly registered to vote at your current address before each election. No changes to your registration status can be made after the end of early voting or on election day.
Check your voter registration here:
Photo ID Requirements & Voter Protection
Beginning with the 2023 fall municipal elections, voters are asked to show photo ID when voting in North Carolina. If you have an unexpired North Carolina driver’s license, you’re all set — just be sure to bring it with you when you vote.
If you do not have an unexpired North Carolina driver’s license, please check the acceptable list of photo IDs on the State Board of Elections website to see if you already have an acceptable photo ID. If you don’t or if you’re not sure, WCDP recommends that you acquire a free photo ID from the Wake County Board of Elections at 1200 N. New Hope Rd. Raleigh, NC 27610.
Registered Wake County voters can visit the Wake County Board of Elections in-person Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM until 5:15 PM to acquire a free photo ID. No special documents are needed — you can simply provide your name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your Social Security number, and have your photo taken.
Voter Protection
Trouble at the polling place? Issues with casting your vote? Confused about voting rules? Contact NCDP VoPro at 1-833-VOTE4NC (1-833-868-3462).
Nonpartisan Endorsements
For most electoral races, Democratic voters nominate candidates through partisan primaries. Wake County’s municipal, school board, and soil & water conservation district supervisor seats, however, are non-partisan and do not have primaries.
Because of this, voters often get confused on the general election ballot by the many candidates without a partisan marker running for the same seat. This exacerbates the risk of down-ballot drop-off makes it less likely that Democrats who share our values will win their races. Our endorsements mitigate these risks.
Participating candidate questionnaire answers are provided below.
Nonpartisan Candidate Endorsement Questionnaire Responses
- Wake County School Board
- Soil & Water District Conservation Supervisor
- Raleigh City Council
- Raleigh Mayor
Want to know more about WCDP’s rigorous nonpartisan endorsement process? Click the button below.