WCDP Election Central – Candidate Information

Reese Wamsley

Wake Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisor

Reese Wamsley - Wake Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisor

Candidate Statement:

At an early age, Reese was taught the importance of the natural world. Through his local cub- and boy-scout activities he learned the importance of conserving our natural resources not only for the health of the creatures in the fields and woods, but also for the health and well-being of all of us: the people. Reese continues these principles in his own home gardening and encourages others to be good stewards of our natural resources. Reese believes that by protecting our soil health and water quality, we can continue to live happy healthy lives for generations to come.

Importance of this Race:

As of the 2020 census, Wake County was shown as the most populous county and still is one of the fastest growing counties in our state. With this growth comes the challenges of protecting our drinking water, ensuring the continuation of our local farms, and protecting the natural wildlife around us. Balancing these needs is crucial to ensure the continued health and wellbeing of our growing community. As a member of the Soil and Water Conservation Board, Reese will advocate for all members of our community to continue having access to clean drinking water. He will work with local leaders to find a balance between our population growth and the needs of local farms. Reese will look forward to ensure our water, soil, and wildlife resources remain available for us and future generations to enjoy.

Office Responsibilities:

  • The District Supervisor establishes conservation priorities and implements programs to suit the district’s needs.
  • They engage with the community to promote awareness and education about the importance of conservation.
  • The District Supervisor is responsible for reviewing and approving contracts for conservation assistance programs available to farmers and landowners.
  • They partner with local officials and leaders to execute long term plans, ensuring clean drinking water and sustainable land management practices into the future.


External Candidate Links: