2023 WCDP Election Central
WCDP Information
How can you help?
There are lots of opportunities to make a difference in our towns, county, and state by helping to elect Democrats who share our values. Read on to see how to Donate and Volunteer.
Sponsor A Polling Place! We need your help to equip voters with the information they need to elect candidates who share our values. Help us supply slate cards for each precinct, signs, tables, sample ballots, and more.
Sponsor a Polling Place today to help cover the costs of our efforts! WCDP covers both Early Voting Sites AND Precinct Polling Places.
We’re a grassroots organization that’s run almost entirely by volunteers like you! If you want to help, there’s a place for you here. Complete our Volunteer Interest Form today to help Wake Dems elect Democrats who share our values.
Poll Greeting
Want to be part of our Poll Greeting team?
Poll Greeters provide information and a welcoming atmosphere to voters. Volunteering to poll greet couldn’t be easier. You provide the time and the smile — we’ll provide all the resources you need.
Sign up to poll greet.
Find Local Events Near You
View our calendar of upcoming events and volunteer opportunities near you including:
Door-to-door canvassing
Phone banking
Postcard writing
Candidate meet-and-greets
And more!
Election Central
We're excited to keep you up to date on what the Wake County Democrats are doing! Click below to sign up for our bi-weekly updates.